About Us
The Way to Happiness Foundation is a purely secular charitable organization, coordinated by the Association for Better Living and Education (ABLE), an organization dedicated to resolving the major societal ills of drugs, crime, illiteracy and immorality. The Church of Scientology and its parishioners proudly sponsor ABLE and each of its social betterment groups.

Who we are?
The Way to Happiness (TWTH) Philippines Foundation, Inc. (with SEC Registration Number: CN201624159) is an international and local group of advocates committed to touching the hearts and mind of people in a practical and sustainable way. We do this by sharing common sense ethics-values in The Way to Happiness book. This is a global best practice that is, non-religious, non-profit, and non-political, and uses the practical principles of social transformation and education that shifts the view points and habits of people. Here in the Philippines, David Pomeranz has been the foreign celebrity Change Agent-Ambassador that’s spoken and sung about the greatness of the Filipino and the power of TWTH-practical ethics.

What do we do?
The Way to Happiness details a 21 easy-to-follow guide on a person and the society’s way to happiness: moving from taking care of the self, the family, the environment, and the society, all leading to a flourishing and prosperous life. It is the most widely translated, non-religious book, with 100 million copies, distributed in more than 114 languages in over 170 countries.
The TWTH Philippines has trained policemen, pastors, community leaders, housewives, local government officials, and students around the country. We have partnered with NGOs, businesses, and government institutions to bring the training to more and more people with the aim of reaching a Tipping Point of 20% – that critical mass that jump starts significant change in society.